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The Sisterhood of Crossfit

Crossfit is unabashedly coed. Girls and guys train, work out and compete side by side on a daily basis and jockey for top position on the whiteboard. No one's tender feelings or egos are hurt and we get to check out each other's butts in the process. It's a win-win. For those unfamiliar with the philosophy, there is no "girl version" of Crossfit. Prescribed weights are appropriately scaled so everyone starts on a level playing field, and total fitness defines the top athletes. Crossfit doesn't have time to patronize. Jump in and you'll quickly notice that some of the hardest workouts are named "Fran" and"Christine" and your biggest competitor wears a sports bra.

Let me tell ya, it's great. A truly equal society of passionate fitness heads. The keys to the weight room have been passed on to women and we're making copies. This is progress!

Damn, Girl.

Now that we're here, is it wrong that sometimes I miss pure girl time? Nothing against you dudes. You're great. But girls are my tribe. Something happens when it's just us. We can be a bit more honest about our fears and struggles. We're not concerned about the translucence of our Lululemons during bear crawls. And fuck if there isn't a whole lot of "we" not "me" feelings at the end of an all-girl WOD. 

Yes, there's much to be gained from this kind of gender therapy. This weekend I got a dose while attending Project GLOC - an all-female Crossfit competition in Indiana. Several athletes from my box competed, most for the first time, and it was a 9-hour lady fest full of whooping, hugging, sweat and PRs. Each and every one of us tried our hardest, battled our goats and surprised ourselves. I left feeling proud as hell of my gals, uplifted by their attitudes and inspired by their strength.

Role models, confidants, cheerleaders, caretakers and above all, athletes. Thank you ladies, for showing me what is still ahead to achieve and the support I'll have getting there. Also, for talking my nervous ass off the ledge when kettlebell snatches showed up in the WOD. This is truly what the sisterhood is for. XOXO
