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Review: RX Bars

What it is: A protein bar without all the weird unpronounceable shit protein bars are usually stuffed with. What it contains: Each of the four flavors (coconut cacao - my fave, coffee cacao, blueberry, and apple cinnamon) contain just 8 ingredients of the fruit and nut variety. Egg whites and almonds add up to 15g of protein per bar.

What we think: It's not a mere protein bar. It's a swiss army knife. It fuels! It's clean! It's handmade in Chicago and comes in a resealable pouch because sometimes we don't want to scarf down an entire bar and don't travel with saran wrap. Each flavor is tasty but—let't not kid ourselves here— you're still eating a food bar. It's not supposed to be a treat. That said, these are better than most. The coconut cacao comes the closest to treat-dom. The two fruit flavors impart a hint of tongue-coating oil but meh, we can overlook that.

Would we buy it again? We do. You can't stop us.