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Ask A Chick: What's Your Spring Routine?

Q: Do you change your workout with the season? Discuss.  

Jess Vetter


Jess: Yes and yes. After this crappy winter, I find myself wanting to be outside every moment I can. I have a much stronger desire to go biking or running in my neighborhood or on the trails than spend my hours in the gym lifting or swimming indoors.


Emily Kelly


Emily: For me, the gym routine stays pretty similar year round due to my teaching schedule. BUT, warmer months = running season! When it's nice out I'll take any excuse to get out in the sun (especially after Chicago's arctic winters), so when training starts in June you'll definitely find me on the Lakeshore Path. Bring on the vitamin D!

Erin Sian


Erin: The first change in weather will encourage me to go on more frequent (and short) runs, but things get more exciting when it's full-on summer. Once Lake Michigan thaws I love to go Stand Up Paddleboarding on the weekends vs slogging away inside at the gym. And summer means I can shed the bazillion layers and actually enjoy rowing on the water sans the frozen toes. 


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Photo Credit: CC BY 2.0 by Wonderlane