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6 Workouts We'll Never Forget

Jess Vetter

Most workouts are like, whatever and blend together over time. Sweat, stretch, repeat. But every now and then  you get one that stands out. Because it made you feel invincible, defeated, or just that… weird. We asked 6 women to tell us about that time. Here's what they shared:

Jess: My most rage-inducingworkout was a yoga class for beginners. The instructor kept talking about 'relaxing' and 'easing into' complicated contortions my incredibly tight hamstrings cannot possibly recreate. And then there was downward dog as 'recovery.' Are you f*!Ing kidding me? There is nothing relaxing about that pose. At all. Ever. I'm all for pushing it in a workout and safely trying to beat your max, but do not try to get all cute and tell me it's relaxing. As I fought gravity, looking like a malformed pretzel, red-faced, sweating and straining to get within 18 inches of touching my toes, I found myself starting to think of all the physical harm that instructor deserved and it all seemed quite reasonable as we hit another "recovery downward dog." For the safety of yogis everywhere, I avoid the yoga thing.


Liz: My prenatal yoga class is quite possibly the most loving workout I have ever experienced. During the class you're constantly reminded how amazing your body is and the best part? You take a pre-school style nap at the end complete with pillows, mats, and the instructor rubbing your back. Shout out to Teri at Sana Vita Yoga Studio.

Oh, and my most totally awesome workout was my Cheerobix class because it directly tapped into my pre-teen self. Shaking your pom pons and booty to Britney, Xtina, and Beyonce couldn't be more silly or fun! Like, OMG guys. For realzies.


Christine: My favorite workout was today's Crossfit class. I'm getting back into it after being on hiatus (and out of shape) for a year. Today kicked my ass in the best possible way. I was gasping for air and the dye in my new t-shirt was rubbing off onto my arms but I didn't give a shit because I'm starting to feel strong again!


Bethany: My "screw this, I'm walking out" workout was a 14-minute alternating EMOM of 10 burpees and 10 thrusters. Because fuck that workout. The coaches ended up apologizing to the later classes in advance after witnessing the complete deterioration of almost everyone that attempted it. While I finished the 14 minutes (minus some reps), I walked out defeated. And then 15.2 was announced...

Erin Sian

Erin Sian: My most bizarrely triumphant workout was completing Murph solo last year. It's a hard WOD consisting of a 1 mile run + 100 pull ups (using a band for me) + 200 push ups + 300 air squats + 1 mile run. In the middle a friend I hadn't seen in years stopped by the gym out of the blue—he was running by and recognized the place from all my Facebook posts (guilty). He joined me on that last mile run, and in between the fatigue and the small talk I tripped on nothing and bit the sidewalk HARD. Road rash city. I hobbled back but still made it under the hour cut-off mark. I was exhausted, elated, and a year later still sporting the scars.

Meg Mariel

Meg Mariel: My most eye-opening workout was my first jog with my family. I assumed it would be easy but I quickly found that I had trouble keeping up. It didn't bum me out to discover I didn't have the energy of a 12-year old, but it made me want to get out there more so I have a chance!

What's the workout you'll never forget? Share in the comments!

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Photo Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0  by Funktion House